Saturday, August 9, 2014

Heading West, August 5 - 9

We left Wausau early Wednesday morning and camped in Buffalo River State Park near Moorhead, MN the first night. We then drove through most of North Dakota to the Theodore National Park, near Medora, ND the 2nd day. We saw a North Dakota state police officer "pull over" a guy on a wheel chair along the highway. Who knows maybe he was speeding? Or maybe a nursing home escapee? It wasn't even a powered wheel chair. We enjoyed camping at Theodore Roosevelt NT. Pk, and weren't mobbed by a herd of buffalo like last time. We met a German fellow who is biking across our country from New York to the west coast. We are presently camping at Fort Peck, MT which is a huge lake formed by a dam on the Missouri River. We went to a DAM tour today. Tomorrow we head towards Glacier Nat. Pk. We plan to stay there long enough to take a ride on the "Going to the Sun" road. Then on to Canada. Gotta eat up out potatoes before we get there.

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