Saturday, December 21, 2013

Finally Home

We arrived home Friday afternoon after leaving Disney World, early Wednesday morning. We camped in Chattanooga, TN and Weldon Springs State Park, Clinton, IL on the way. We drove through a lot of freezing rain but the interstate was pretty clear. We put 3995 miles on the motorhome this time. Our visit to Disney World was lots of fun, especially since we were ably to spend time with Todd, Mary, Sam & Will there. Tuesday night was a real highlight as we watched the Christmas candlelight sevice at Epcot. We first had a great meal at the German Biergarten and then a very moving concert which had a full symphony orchestra and many high school choir members from Florida and Georgia. Edward Olmos read the Christmas story while the orchestra & choir performed. There were a total of 300 people counting the choir and orchestra.  Monday, Beth and I went to Disney Animal Kingdom and later met the Hagedorn's for dinner at the 50's primetime cafe in Disney's Hollywood Studio park. There, they had fantastic Christmas lighting. On Sunday after arriving at Disney World and checking in at Fort Wilderness Campground, we had dinner and fun at the HooptyDo playhouse with the Hagedorns. This was a really fun trip but also tiring. We drove a lot in a short period of time.The Everglades was remote and a really neat place to tour in. We saw everything but snakes. A highlight the last day there was seeing the Manatees in the Flamingo Harbor on Florida Bay in the park. Now

the pictures.

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