Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tampa Florida, Dec. 10, 2013

We finally have wi-fi so we can catch up on our blog. We left Biloxi, MS on Saturday, Dec. 7th. We drove to Mobile, AL and saw the USS Alabama, battleship. Very impressive. We then drove to Gulf Shores State Park and camped for 2 days on the water. The weather did finally warm up on Sunday, to reach the 60's. Then we drove to St. George Island State Park in Florida. It is a really neat park located on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. We had to drive over a lot of water to get there. It was warmer, in the 70's. I am including some pictures . We walked the beach at St. George Island this morning. Of course it rained again. We have driven through downpours each day the last several days. We left St. George and drove to Tampa, where we had a fun dinner with John & Tink Parrott. John is the guy who showed up at our wedding at the last minute and happened to have a tuxedo. One of our groomsmen hadn't shown up so John was elected. We will always be beholden to John. Tomorrow we head for the Everglades. By the way it is in the 80's in Tampa. Wow.

1 comment:

Bill Bauer said...

Yeah! Pictures. Good job.